
How To Create Positive Thinking

How to create positive thinking,positive mind set

How to create positive thinking. How to Develop Positive thought or thinking.


Positive thinking is a power, a weapon, which God gave us. By using it, we can win in the biggest war. We face many kinds of problems in life, there is no one who does not have any difficulty in life. Every human has problems, but not every human looks troubled, weeping. Even in times of trouble, those who control their thinking, they are able to succeed further by fighting them. There are 2 types of thoughts in human mind, positive and negative.

Positive thoughts come from God, while negative thinking is the work of Satan. You believe it or not, but in this world there is a demonic power like God. Bringing wrong thoughts in mind, bad thinking about oneself gives this evil power. Who is such a person who would like to do evil or think for himself and his people. But the devil is like this, he wants, the thinking of man should go according to it, so he will put every thing that is not for our good, in our mind.

How to make positive thinking

How to develop positive thinking in hindi

It is said that only people with positive thinking can succeed in life. The thoughts of your mind come to the fore through your nature. Everyone likes to be around positive thinking people. For positive thinking, as soon as you wake up in the morning, stand in front of the mirror and adopt this process -


today is my day

I know, I am in the best place today.

I know I'm the winner.

I am responsible for myself.

I can choose my own Destiny

I know, I can do this, and I can do it firmly.

God is always with me.

You are thinking, what will change by doing this, my problem will not be fixed like this. But you believe and adopt this process. It is said that there is a lot of power in words, if you say positive it will be the same, because positive rays will come around us. As much as possible, speak positive on your situation.


5 steps to bring positive thinking (Steps to a Happy Life with Positive Attitude) -How to make attitude.readmore.....

1. Have faith, happiness is a choice, which you can choose for yourself.

2. Stay away from negative life.

3. Find positive things in every situation.

4. Strengthen positivity in yourself.

5. Share happiness with others.

 Some other powerful things for positive thinking (Positive thinking towards life) -

Think positive - We will behave as we think, we will behave like that, and if we think well, it will be good, and bad will think bad. Every thing has two aspects, one good one bad. You may be thinking that all these things have to be said, only the situation of a person can be understood on which it passes. Yes, it is true, but you have to fight your own battle. For example, if someone says half a glass full of water, half of it is full, then someone will say half of it is empty. The situation is the same, the way to see and think it is different.

Play a game - you are in a very difficult situation of life, where you do not see any goodness ahead. But in this situation you have to find a good, a good, take it as a challenge. Even in a bad situation, think what is God's blessing, what is going well at this time. Initially you will feel difficulty, but gradually it will get into your habit.

Change your attitude - Our happiness or sorrow is not connected to our problems, it is decided by which way we look at it. There are many people in the world who will be in difficult circumstances of life, but still they will always smile. And there will be many people who will have everything, they will be upset even if they have got the biggest victory of their life. You have to decide, how you look at your life.

Do not complain (Limit your complaints) - Do not complain for anything, do not get irritated. Do not curse God, or any human or your fate in a useless situation, but look at the other side of that situation.

Like if your job has gone, then you think that the work which was not completed because of your job, you will be able to do it now, you now have a lot of time, for the family for yourself. You also think that a better job than this, God has kept thinking for you, just you have to wait for it.

If you get into a fight with someone, the person in front of you tells you a lot, then think about how much he cares for you. If nobody is worried about anyone, then he will not say anything considering it as his own. It will also give you peace.

Do not focus on the problem (Focus on the good) - When we focus on our problem, then we give it a chance, that they can get right in our life. Do not pay attention to the problem, try to focus your attention on the other side. By focusing on the problem, you will not be able to change even 1% of your situation due to the problem. This will make a difference on your health and your thinking.

Make a list - Make a list for yourself, write all the things in it that make you happy and get peace. As soon as there is turmoil in your mind, negative things come, you should choose one thing from that list and do it. The one who gets instant peace and happiness from the talk, keep it at the top. Like I pray first in such a situation, I spend time alone with God. I listen to songs, play with children. You should also make a list like this.

Motivate (Motivate) - Helping a person also brings positiveness in us. If someone is upset around you, encourage him, tell him the good things in life. Apart from this, if someone needs anything, help him.

Always laugh

do the exercise

Pay attention

Listen to good songs, read books as well as read the precious words of positive positives.

Talk more and more with positive people, tell them your problems, try to adopt their thinking.

Many times it happens that immediately we feel good after listening to positive things, reading them, but as we get busy in our life, forget these things and go back to bad thoughts. To avoid this, remember the above mentioned things as much as you can and try to take them out in your life. You place the posters, notes of positive things in your room, mirror bathroom door, above the washbasin. These things will happen in front of you as soon as you feel good. Which will start the day with positivity.

Positive Thoughts quotes become a mirror of life, many times even inadvertently, mistakes are made by human beings, at that time, ideas work as a mirror and introduce reality.

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Suvichar Positive Thoughts quotes

Suvichar 1 :- Scum of the mind does not hide from God, so religious acts are futile.

The treatment of someone younger than you is the truth of your life.

Sheepers are in the mood to talk face to face on contentious issues.

Places to live are where your mind is calm.

The brightness of the mind is much greater than the brightness of the body.

Those who are true lovers are not afraid to bow down, they are afraid of bowing down.

It is true worship to accept it by mistake but making it a daily habit is foolish.

Forgiveness is the biggest victory in life.

Even a small child senses the show of love.

The dissenters cannot find happiness even in heaven.

Those who declare their qualities on their own are the biggest demerits.

Expectations of improvement from those who do not accept the mistake are meaningless.

Human beings are made by religion, it is not human's ability to create religion.

Religious hypocrites take away from humanity.

Those who cut the path of others often move in a circular path.

Admittedly, it hurts, but this is what teaches the importance of happiness.

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How To Create Positive Thinking


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